Ready to take a deep dive into topics that strengthen your self-awareness & self-kindness, make you think and then rethink while building courage and resilience for everyday living?

These are the workshops you need:


The Daring Way™

Courageous Conversations

“Andrea led our group to an oasis within a stormy time. Her profound care and curiosity set the tone for our intimate community where honest, open feelings were spoken, supported and safe. The space within our circle was sacred. Vulnerability was met with love and courage. Andrea encouraged us to listen, like she does, with our hearts. We united in a place of healing transcending the frustrating responsibilities, and burdens that our daily details laid upon us. Together we found the deeper reasons beneath wounds. Our collective connections paved a higher path to the bigger picture. Individually and together our group brought light, companionship, empathy and enduring friendships to some of our personal darkest times. The meanings we found together infused strength and confidence into many challenges. Not only did we learn we were not alone, we discovered the power of trust.”

Cathy A.

“As our group leader, Andrea created a safe and comfortable environment for us to discuss topics that were pertinent to our group. Andrea guided our conversations in a loving and thoughtful way that allowed each of us to share and explore our innermost thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Her gentle probing questions helped to reveal answers and insights that we discovered within ourselves and each other.”

Susan S.

“Andrea has a genuine interest in people and a curiosity for what makes them tick, what brings them joy, what holds them back. Her openness and ability to listen deeply provide what feels like an empty bowl or pool of still water that invites one’s own opening. She is kind, clear, and generous. Andrea knows when a group needs to be encouraged and when it needs to find its equilibrium; she honors both energy and stillness. And, she does all this without judgment or bias, meeting groups, and individuals where they are and helping them get to where they want to be.”

Susan W.




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The Maori believe the Paua shell will bring connectivity and harmony to relationships. The way the colors of the shell shift in the light is also a symbol of change and transition.