The Daring Way

Dr. Brené Brown’s research shows us that we are not alone with these experiences and can create new choices and practices to move us toward a more authentic and wholehearted life. The training to become a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator required me to dig deep into the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that held me back from living an authentic and wholehearted life. I learned the tools and strategies for developing greater emotional resilience to respond to those feelings of being “not enough.” One of my top values as a Coach is being authentic. “Walking the walk” before offering my clients something is one example of this.

Adults interested in exploring what gets in the way of living an authentic life using Brené Brown’s Daring Way™ curriculum or her books. Shame, perfectionism, “the story I’m telling myself” are examples of what gets in the way of being truly seen and living braver lives. Small Groups (<6 people) or 1:1 Coaching

About the Daring Way™

Free Assessment: The Wholehearted Inventory

Can you think of the last time a shame storm swept you off your feet and messed with your confidence? Or when the “you’re not good enough” voice in your head pushed you into hiding?

Who would benefit from a Daring Way™ Workshop:
Parents invested in raising children to truly know that they are enough and worthy of love AND that their behaviors are separate from that love. Love is unconditional and not attached to what your child does. If you DO “x” you are loved; if you DO “y” I will withhold love = conditional love.

Topic: Wholehearted Parenting – Unconditional Love with Healthy Boundaries

Take the Free Assessment: The Wholehearted Inventory

Bestselling Books by Brené Brown

Brené Brown has written several bestsellers. Clients often ask, “Which book should I read first”? Here’s what Brené Brown recommends.

As a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator, I lead groups using the workbooks created for these books.
Daring Greatly: It’s Not the Critic Who Counts
Rising Strong: Truth and Dare: An Introduction
I Thought it was Just Me: Making the Journey from “What Will People Think?” to “I Am Enough”.

Some Quotes to Get You Thinking

True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are, it requires you to be who you are. And that’s vulnerable.
– Brené Brown

We are neurobiologically hardwired for connection with other people. In the absence of connection, love, and belonging, there is always suffering.
– Brené Brown

Vulnerability minus boundaries:
not vulnerability.

– Brené Brown

The Power of Vulnerability

Watch one of the top 10 TED talks to date- almost 53 million views and counting
Brené Brown, PhD

“The Daring Way™ is an empirically based training and certification program for helping professionals, based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown. The work focuses on courage-building, shame resilience, and uncovering the power of vulnerability. The methodology is designed for work with individuals, couples, families, and groups.”




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